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Site Administration Access

In the interest of stability, security and to maintain low costs, Clients are not permitted access to the Administration portal.  Few if any Clients have the technical expertise to manage and modify Administration level changes, indeed this would increase the cost of the system significantly as then SellOnLine would have to add additional costs for Support functions to address issues with Client Technical staff skill shortages.

SellOnLine provide Site Administrative functions removing the potential threat of unqualified staff gaining access to the system, furthermore our Team of experts have extensive knowledge and capabilities that incorporate not only the technical but also commercial and marketing skills to determine the best possible course of action for a Client.  Additionally, our Team continually monitor activities and load the latest security updates, install new features as required etc., removing the concerns the majority of business owners have that prevented them building a Site in the first place.

SellOnLine integrated Administrative functions actually save Staff or outsourcing costs for maintaining a Site.

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