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Suspension & Termination of Site

Suspension Termination


In the event that the Monthly Fee not be paid by the fifth (5th) day of the Calendar Month, and in accordance with our published EULA the website shall be disconnected from service and placed in “Suspension”.  In a suspended state the Site will not be accessible on the Internet to yourself or your respective clients.

Once a Site is suspended, a charge as defined within the then current EULA for each month the Site remains in suspension.  To reinstate a suspended Site, the Client will be charged the outstanding Suspension Charge for each month inactive and the then current Monthly charge in full.  On completion of payment the Site will be reinstated.



If the Site is not reinstated after three (3) consecutive Months of Suspension and in accordance with the EULA, the Site and all Content including log-files, records, email, and any other Content pertaining to the site shall be removed entirely from the active servers (“Terminated”) and archived on a cloud storage facility for a maximum of twelve (12) months at which time the data shall be deleted permanently.

Should you wish to reinstate a Site that was Terminated, you agree to pay the applicable then relevant full Site Build Fee to reinstate the Site and Contents as defined in the then current EULA.  SellOnLine accept no responsibility for any loss of Content during the period of Termination.



As defined in the EULA, during the period of Suspension and Termination your Site and Content is no longer available to the internet potentially leading to loss of business and misunderstanding of the state of your business activities.  SellOnLine shall not be held responsible nor accountable in any way for loss of business, damage to reputation or any other adverse statement or actions taken by any party during that period or subsequent reinstatement of services.

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